equidistant lines中文什么意思

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  1. This paper presents a new processing method - locus compensating method after analyzing the present processing situations of aspheric parts . using the formula of equidistant line , we create the mathematical model of working principle of the locus compensating method , demonstrate the correctness , feasibility and practicability of the method and made corresponding processing program with matlab and vb . at last , we devise the corresponding general structure of machining tools on the basis of above
  2. The key to the settlement of question lies in rapid determining the position relations , which satisfies the restraints on layout between these contours . in order to do so , a series of characteristic points on a contour should be obtained by cutting the contour through horizontal equidistant lines , then the position relations mentioned above can be determined , and some layout parameters are solved . finally , a optimum result of layout is obtained


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  10. equidistant point 什么意思



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